Friday 11 March 2016

Battle Arena Statue: UV Mapping, Texturing And Quixel

After having finished the 3D model as well as a prop sword, I had to UV map it by slicing pieces of the model int "Shells", with these I had to split and combine the UVs of the model into a sheet that can be used for texturing by exporting it into a UV Snapshot. For this statue I did flat colours for the texture at first then realised I can take it into Quixel Suite to add believable stone textures, here are the flat coloured textures:

At first I was intending to entirely texture the model by painting it, then overlaying it with a stone texture, however after using Quixel I could achieve this effect in an easier and faster way:

Using this I achieved a weathered stone statue appearance, after this I will rig my model and import it into unity and pose it.

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