Friday, 4 March 2016

Group Project: Beta Build

For this milestone I was able to quickly finish up the flow of the game. Although some things are missing such as sounds, sprites and an ending; The way this game has been programmed is to build an engine then add something to do. Below are some screenshots of this beta build:

The title screen has been fixed. The difficulty was just for experimentation.

The game begins with Marie falling, at the moment there's no sprite or sound for that yet.

The game features a dialogue system with avatars as well.
The player can move rooms by clicking on entrances. Marie also has a walking animation for left and right, up and down animations aren't confirmed yet.

Reggie will talk to the player when they enter this room for the first time, to talk to them again they must use the "Interact" action on them. The door going left is locked.

Going up will take the player to a room with the sludge monster.

Clicking them will bring up their stats, and the player can choose which weapon to use. The player cannot fight without a weapon selected.

Going up again will take the player to a room with 2 chests, one with a sewing kit and one with a cheap umbrella, the player's animation for opening the chest is the same for picking up items off the floor.

The player can select the weapon and fight.

THe fight now takes place in the same scene, and can even involve turns and hitting multiple times.

After defeating the monster they will drop an umbrella, using the sewing kit I can recover my health by clicking it and Interacting like an object.

After the sludge monster the player can go left and confront Mama Spider. With this new weapon the player can can attack twice in their turn.

Defeating Mama Spider will trigger new dialogue with Reggie, and can use the key to get through the door.

After beating Mama Spider, Teddy will appear, beating him will result in him dropping premium stuffing, which increases the player's max health.

By interacting with a non-consumable inventory item, the player can interact with an object using it, this is done to unlock the door.

The final room is incomplete, and will include the player's victory screen with their score and time.

After some feedback, we were told that we could do a front and back animation for the player walking, however this would include more time to allow for the animation frames to be made so it's a low priority. I also need to adjust the difficuly of battles, and fix bugs as well as changing some backgrounds. I am pleased with how this game has shaped up over the last month, and despite being far from a finalised peice I feel it does a good job at demonstrating our prototype idea.

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