Sunday, 17 April 2016

Battle Arena Statue FInal: Rigging, Posing, and Implementing

After attatching a premade human-shaped skeleton to the mesh (which acts as the "Skin") I posed the arms and placed a sword, I also used the "Paint Skin Weights" tool to adjust which areas of the model bent to which joint. I found this to be rather difficult for the hand but eventually I got it figured out, here is the final pose:

I then implemented the statue into the maya file and made some adjustments:

The floor of the plaza has been changed to blend in more with the environment's theme.

I used a particle system to create a fire effect.

I animated a fish to leap out of the water at the end.

I also added vines to break up the sameness of the maze, and also replaced the other statue placeholders with colourless versions of the centre statue with no fire.

Overall I am happy with how the statue came out, but I do feel that it differs greatly from my original model sheet, and there are a few low-poly elements which make some edits difficult. Rigging also felt hard. Perhaps in future I could attempt to use the knowledge I gained from this into making another model with more style.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Group Project: Final Build

Since our last major build, we have spent time on amending assets, fixing bugs and trying to polish up some rough areas. In the end the game does feel a little bit clunky, however this is briefed to be a prototype so this level of quality is at a quality standard for the requirements. In our project folder some assets have been replaced and some are left in the project folder to show development. When compared to the paper prototype I would say that it matches it quite well, and if I were to develop this as a full game I would implement randomly generated rooms with more shapes than "squares" (each room has a square walking plane), I would also polish out the battle system to implement an options menu before a turn similarly to standard RPGs so the player can use items, talk or run. Personally I enjoyed this project as it involved a lot of discussions, and an idea being developed into a game before us felt very satisfying, below are screenshots of the full game in the final build:

The game's icon is now of the main character: Marie.

Title Screen has been tweaked to appear more balanced.

The starting room has been redesigned, and Marie has a fall animation.

Reggie has been moved and has been given an animation, and the door has been redesigned to fit in with the environment.

The storage room has been changed to a more interesting design.

Marie has a battle animation and her weapon is visible in battle.

Spider room has been redesigned to appear more menacing.

The cursor for using items is glitched in the final build unfortunately.

There is a results screen in the final room that will display time and score.

Here is a working game over screen.

You can download the game

Mathias Holmes - Background artist, Designer of Reggie and alpha battle scene,
Ashlee Page - Character artist, Designer of Marie and change room script.
Elze Nel - Creature artist. Designer of enemy monsters and mini-map script.
Brandon Jackson - Programmer. Designer of GUI and chest.