Thursday 24 September 2015

Life Drawing Task

For this task we had to draw a live model onto an easel with the use of a charcoal, at first I found it difficult to achieve the likeness but after focusing on the form it became easier. What was tricky for me was getting the size and proportions right, even after being taught a measuring technique involving using a pencil/charcoal my drawings kept resulting with uneven hand and head sizes. I can tell that overtime the drawings were coming out better, and I feel with enough practise I could capture more likeness, and apply the skills to later tasks.

Another thing we were instructed to attempt was drawing the model in 1 continuous line, which I found hard as I usually do the habit of sketching lines, I experimented with the technique by making a scribbled like version but it didn't come out too well. I believe with time this technique could help improve my line stability.

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