Friday, 12 February 2016

Group Project: Alpha

This week we had our lecturer test an alpha build of our game, and gave feedback on what he liked and what could be improved, we also had a game design document and art bible that needs amending too. Here is some screenshots of the alpha:

Title Screen. Created by Mathias Holmes. There is an issue with scaling to the window size at the moment, but can easily be fixed later.

Background and rat character (called Reggie) also by Mathias. Not all assets are final.

The player can navigate the scene by clicking, as well as interact with objects. Marie's character art is by Ashlee Page.

Clicking on an enemy will bring up a menu, which will display monster stats and allow the player to choose their weapon. Since there is no battle system yet there is no stats. Monster art by Elzé Nel.

There was not enough time to sort out the compatibility issues with the fight scene demonstration, so it was displayed on another screen. Mathias programmed this scene.

What was critiqued by our peers was how awkward it was to navigate due to the objects covering the floor, and that it wasn't clear on what the interaction icons meant. In the next build I will attempt to make clicking on walls allow the player to approach the nearby location and add a sort of description to the assets that the player can see.

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