Sunday 6 December 2015

Life Drawing Task 6

In this session, we had a new female model, and as always we began with a few practice drawings:

I feel that in these drawings I'm starting to capture a good silhouette of the model. Next we had to devide the paper in half, and as we drew in one media with our right hand on the right side of the paper, we had to mirror it on the left as we did it:

I found this difficult to focus on drawing with 2 hands at once, and mishaped my drawings of the figue. After this we had 10 minutes to draw the model in detail, unfortunately I didn't manage my time well, and also made the lower portion of the body too small:

Next we had to use draw the figure using shading, and so I did this using a pencil, I feel that I had a good shape and form but the shading was too light:

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