Tuesday 29 December 2015

Life Drawing Task 7

In this session, we had our first look into using perspective, however we first started with some warmup drawings of our male model.

I feel lately I'm getting better at capturing the gesture of the figure quicker, and that i just need some refinement in terms of getting the correct proportions, as well as doing it in a quicker time. Now we move on to perspective, were we had 4 circles spaced evenly on the floor, and we had to draw the vanishing point, horizon line and the figure within it:

 After this I was suggested to try a lower horizontal line, and the result is a lot better:

 After these, we then had to draw the space around the figure in any medium, I chose pencil and as a result the image came out faint, so the one seen below had to be enhanced:
Our last drawing was of a long pose, and could do what we wanted, I tried something stylistic and made a thicker outline and a few hard shadows:

Although succesful, I do feel that this is a little dull looking, perhaps next time I could find a way to implement an intersting way of using midtones.

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