Monday 5 October 2015

Life Drawing Task 2

In this session we had a male model. Although I was a bit rusty in the first few drawings I quickly got my act together, we were also encouraged to draw with our non dominant hand as well, and also go around and draw on other people's work.

As seen above, I did not get enough time to finish my drawings, so speed is something I should also focus on.

In this one above, I used my left hand, and strangely enough I feel it came out looking better.

For this one we had to circle around twice to other people's work, so this is how my work resulted. It appears there's more shape and better form, which I understand is the area I'm working on improving.

Here's the last one for the session, I used both hands for this and I admit in comparison to the prior session these drawings came out a lot better.

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