Saturday 7 November 2015

Life Drawing Task 5

In this session, we had another male model, and as usual we did some practise drawings:

it appears that as well as my speed increasing, my form, shape and proportions are also becoming a bit more refined by doing drawings in such short time spans. Just like the last session, we had to draw the model moving around the room:

I feel that this time I managed to capture the flow of the model's body a lot faster, however they were moving quite fast so that resulted in these being a little rushed as well. Next we  had to cover the whole paper with charcoal, and then erase away the black in order to achieve a sort of negative, as well as help us in identifying the where the light hits.
My favourite of these 2 is the left one, as I like the shading and form a lot better, although the right one does have a nice bit of detail on the face. Lastly we used different mediums again:

Unfortunately the top one ran out of room and resulted in me accidentally drawing the legs too small, whereas the last one had spot on proportions, and appears to have a better silhouette.

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